
Cross Dock Chronicles v1 – US Mint & Fast and Furious

In the fast-paced, sometimes wacky world of logistics we come across fun cross docking projects that are very short-term in nature. Cross docking in Atlanta is a critical component of JIT (Just in time) Logistics that creates efficiencies in the supply chain by avoiding storage costs. Loads come in by container, are put on the “Cross dock,” and then inventory is apportioned to outgoing deliveries for their final destination. Typical time on the dock is less than 48 hours (for more info on Cross Docking, go here.)

Client 1: The United States MINT

In one of the wackier calls we’ve received, the US Mint reached out to Porter Logistics looking for a home for pallets containing 2000 LB bags of nickels. Yes, that nickel – the one with Thomas Jefferson’s mug all over it and comprised of 75{dcfbef177b452fa95c9a2a231a6698db2b4a56b7c9bd4d99399418f9838d54fe} copper and only 25{dcfbef177b452fa95c9a2a231a6698db2b4a56b7c9bd4d99399418f9838d54fe} nickel (coin needs renaming, anyone?)

Their contracted provider didn’t have the equipment to off-load and thus a steadier hand was needed and for a 36 hour period, Porter Logistics was the proud custodian of a small portion of Uncle Sam’s currency.

Client 2: The Fast and Furious

Vin Diesel called Porter Logistics looking for a brief home for the latest 2 Fast, 2 Furious props.

Just kidding that was a lie, client confidentiality. You understand.

Regardless, at Porter Logistics we like to live our lives a quarter mile at a time. When someone urgently needed a cross docking solution for their high-end motorcycles, Porter Logistics was there to answer the call. This one was problematic, the bikes we’re almost exactly the width of the container and our dock doors. Luckily our operators have the finesse and steady hands of elite-tier brain surgeons (seriously though) and we were able to get the bikes off with no damage.

*Note that Porter Logistics does not endorse street racing, only high-end, quality logistics services.

That concludes the inaugural edition of the Cross Dock Chronicles, look forward to next time.


The Porter Logistics Team